10 Scottish Wedding Traditions Worth Knowing

Scottish Wedding Traditions

Every country has its own unique wedding rituals, and Scotland is no different. A Handfasting is a common wedding ceremony tradition in Scotland that you might have heard about. According to it, the soon-to-be-couple’s hands are tied with a braid. But did you know, there are much more traditions followed? With this article, we will take you through various old Scottish wedding traditions. All of them stood the test of time. Besides, these facts make for an interesting read especially if you are intrigued by traditional weddings.

1. The Speerin

It refers to a series of tasks, that the groom must perform to impress the bride’s father. The entire aim of this Scottish tradition is to gain the father in law’s approval and ask him for his daughter's hand in return.  

2. A Wedding Sark

This Scottish wedding tradition is regarding the attire of the couple. The Sark or shirt that the man is supposed to wear on his auspicious day must be gifted by his fiance. Similarly, the would-be husband also pays for the wedding dress to be worn by his soon to be wife. Although, he does not get to pick the outfit himself.

3. The Inclusion of Charms

The people of Scottish origin also believe in lucky charms. Beliefs such as a Scottish bride stepping into the venue by placing her right foot first and putting a dime inside her shoe are considered auspicious. Another commonly used lucky charm is white heather, which is added to the bride’s bouquet. The bridal party bears responsibility for the inclusion of these charms.

4. Creeling the Basket

This Scottish norm is created for the groom only! For this, the man getting married must fill a basket with rocks, and carry it all around the town. Up until his would-be wife comes out of the house, and kisses him on the cheek. He is not supposed to leave the basket behind till the time he lands a kiss from his beautiful fiancee. It is the most fun wedding tradition that you can see in Scotland.

5. Practice of Blackening

Now, this Scottish wedding tradition offers a bit of entertainment for the couple’s friends. But not for the soon to be husband and wife as such! It starts with capturing the couple and dousing them with things like ash, feathers, and everything else. Though it’s not a pleasant experience for the pair, it is yet deemed crucial. This ritual originated to ward off evil or spirits lurking around.

6. The Scottish Quaich

The Scottish Quaich, also known as a Loving Cup, is a two-handled silver bowl. It is used to hold a potent alcoholic mix called cog. The groom and his wife are expected to take a sip from this cup. Later, it is handed over to others in the wedding party. This ritual is conducted after the marriage procedure is over, since it demands liquor.

7. Warsel

A Warsel or wedding scramble is yet one more norm from the list of Scottish wedding traditions and customs. As part of this ceremony, a bride’s father tosses a handful of coins for the children to collect. All this happens while the bride gets into a car. It is said to bring fortune and financial stability for the newlyweds.

8. A Luckenbooth

Apart from the bride’s dress, the would-be husband also gives her a silver Luckenbooth brooch. It has intertwined hearts engraved which are topped with a crown. The brooch is a part of old Scottish wedding traditions. It represents the Mary Queen of Scots and is a token of love shared by the man with his beloved wife.

9. Orcadian Cog

Orcadian cog refers to both the alcohol mix, as well as the carved wooden bowl that is used to hold the liquor. The cog recipes differ from community to community. The most common concoction consists of a mix of gin, brandy, ale, whisky, sugar and pepper. Also, various cogs prepared to fulfil this wedding tradition. But a Best Man’s Cog, Bride’s Cog, and Priest’s Cog are the most important ones. These cogs need to be passed around the room in a sun-wise direction so that it mimics the planets movement.

10. The Lang Reel

Lang Reel is a name used for describing a traditional dance, which is performed by the people of the fishing community. The dance starts from the harbour area and is joined by the entire wedding reception party. It goes through the lanes of the village, till the time every pair in the chain has reached their home. Eventually, the newly wedded couple is the only one left and it is considered their last dance.


 Scottish Wedding Traditions

There are various other old Scottish marriage traditions followed in the country still. It includes wearing a kilt, married women washing bride’s feet, and cutting the wedding cake. All these beautiful rituals make a Scottish ceremony, the sight to behold and no amount of words can describe the real experience. So, make it a point to at least attend a Scottish wedding once in your lifetime.